A Long-Standing Partnership: T.W. Hicks and Kahlig Auto Group

In the world of construction and flooring, long-standing relationships between companies and their vendors are a testament to the quality of work, trust, and professionalism. Such is the case with T.W. Hicks, a top flooring solutions provider and industrial flooring expert, and Kahlig Auto Group, a respected name in the automotive industry. We had the privilege of sitting down with a key figure from Kahlig Auto Group, the Vice President of Construction, Greg Davis, who shared insights into the long-time partnership with T.W. Hicks and the impact it has had on their facilities.

The remarkable journey of this partnership dates back to the Vice President's start in 2008. He emphasized how T.W. Hicks, an industrial flooring expert, had been one of Kahlig Auto Group's vendors before he joined, making it an integral part of their team. Their very first project together set the stage for a partnership that would endure for years.

“The very first ground-up project I did was the North Park Lexus Rio Grande Valley facility and T.W. Hicks was on that project… That's when I found out you guys are the ones that need to do all the floors.”

The VP of Construction commended the quality of T.W. Hicks' work and its unique flooring system, emphasizing the advantages over traditional flooring methods like tile, stained concrete, and polished concrete. The ease of maintaining and refreshing their facilities was a key selling point, offering a cost-effective and long-term solution.

“I say cost, but cost isn't the reason we use you guys. The reason we use t.w. hicks is BECAUSE you guys are very professional. I know the product's going to be what we want, and I know that you are going to do it right.”

What became evident throughout the conversation was the trust and professionalism that defined T.W. Hicks. VP Greg Davis highlighted how the confidence in T.W. Hicks extended beyond the product; it was about knowing they could rely on the team to get the job done right. This trust is what makes T.W. Hicks, an industrial flooring expert, stand out in a crowded field, where professionalism and quality are paramount.

“I've been in construction literally my whole life. I've worked with probably close to a hundred flooring companies... there may be more than that. Carpet tiles, stained concrete, poured flooring, everything. It's hard to find good people but when you find them, you want to hold onto them.”

As the conversation continued, the VP shared an interesting insight: The specifically tailored flooring system with Kahlig’s hand-selected color has been installed across their various locations. This uniformity added to Kahlig Auto Group's brand identity and created a sense of familiarity for their customers. It's a small detail that speaks volumes about the partnership's depth and commitment to quality.

The partnership between T.W. Hicks and Kahlig Auto Group is not just about business; it's about trust, quality, and mutual respect. As Kahlig Auto Group continues to flourish and expand, it's clear that T.W. Hicks will remain a trusted partner in their journey, upholding the values of professionalism, quality, and excellence.

Are you looking for an industrial flooring expert to take your facility to the next level? Contact T.W. Hicks today!

PressRylie MeadorPress