How T.W Hicks Flooring Materials Are Integral to Elevators

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Construction and repairs once scheduled can often be a behind the scenes endeavor. After the supplies are bought and the repairs begin, few really look into the importance of those supplies. At T.W Hicks, something as small as a piece of wood can go a long way. In many cases, that wood can be an integral part of a system and that’s why we use only the best materials. One of the systems we love being a part of are flooring systems in buildings. Today we look at how our supplies go a long way in ensuring that you get to the floor you need in Dallas.

Flooring System

When doing a search for Flooring contractors near me, they’ll all have one thing in common and that’s the fact that they need the best supplies. And many people don’t usually think of flooring when it comes to construction but the flooring is actually one of the most important parts. It’s something that T.W Hick’s works tirelessly on. 

In a building flooring installation, we use a primer, but only after blasting the concrete floor. To do this, only the best materials can be used. When you mix that with our professional experience, you get a masterful finished product. 

Coating the floor

Flooring contractors in Dallas always need to be flexible to the wants of their clients. That’s what we have learned in our many years of experience on the job. The part that only compliments that is being able to supply those same clients with the best quality work and supplies. Take for instance the coating system on the floor of a building. When we work with someone that wants their coating system to be slip resistant, even in something like an elevator, it’s possible. What we would do is apply a moisture tolerant coating and a few coats or pre-pigmented epoxy. Once that’s settled, we’d add Aliphatic urethane to create that final slip resistant surface. 

Whether you’re looking for Concrete floor contractors in Dallas or 

Flooring installation contractors in Dallas, T.W Hicks handles it all and is ready to help. Don’t risk the DIY stuff when the job requires a professional touch to it. There’s more to it than just watching a video on Youtube, trust us, we know. So give us a call today Toll Free at (866) 841-3484.

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