Find the Perfect Locker Room Flooring at T.W. Hicks

T.W. Hicks – an industry leader in commercial flooring – does not only handle industrial spaces, but can also outfit schools, restaurants, and more.


Have you ever thought about what types of flooring best suits a locker room or athletic facilities? These rooms get a ton of foot traffic and dirt, so finding the perfect locker room flooring can be a challenge.


This is where T.W. Hicks comes in! We pride ourselves on knowing exactly what type of industrial flooring solutions you need – and where you need it.


Recently, T.W. Hicks installed brand new flooring throughout the locker rooms and athletic facilities of 4 different schools in the San Antonio area. Our team worked closely with the district to understand their needs and ultimately selected the Sikafloor DecoFlake System as the primary flooring for several reasons:


·      Easy-to-Clean: Within these high traffic locker rooms, easy of cleaning was a primary goal.

·      Durable: Can withstand it all and still look good.

·      Seamless: Beautiful commercial flooring without any seams.

·      Fully Customizable: lots of color palettes, top coats, textures, and thickness options to create the perfect flooring – and color scheme (think school colors!) - for any space.

·      Slip Resistant


Ultimately, T.W. Hicks ended up installing 23,123 square feet of Sikafloor Decoflake System and 5,858 linear feet of integral cove base throughout the 4 school locker rooms and facilities.

locker room flooring tw hicks
locker room flooring tw hicks

The athletes were so excited to start a new school year with newly renovated locker rooms, and T.W. Hicks is proud to have been a partner in this project!


Looking for the perfect locker room flooring? Give T.W. Hicks in Denton, Texas a call today! While our work is generally focused in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, we have clients nationwide and would love to speak with you today about your upcoming project. We also specialize in food-grade flooring, manufacturing industry flooring, airplane hangar flooring, and decorative flooring systems.