Best Practices for Safety Stripes and ISO Markings - T.W. Hicks

As a leader in the commercial flooring market, T.W. Hicks spends a lot of time talking with industry leaders about warehouse flooring, organization, and best practices for your warehouse space.


Not only is your industrial flooring important, but having proper markings throughout the warehouse to separate and delineate different spaces is necessary for an organized and productive space. An outsider should be able to walk into your warehouse and immediately understand what is going on with safety striping and ISO markings.


Here are a few best practices for installing safety stripes and ISO markings in your warehouse space:


#1: Assign Different Colors to Different Functions

 Think about the uses for your warehouse and how you want to color code the space. Typically, it makes sense for each specific function to have a different color, allowing an easy visual to anyone using the space. Consider one color for product storage, another color for manufacturing spaces, etc. Having a clear cut plan provides efficiency and organization to the warehouse flooring.


#2: Keep the Colors to a Minimum

 On that note, try not to overdo it with color coding. If you use too many colors, employees will never remember what they all mean! Less is more when it comes to safety stripes and ISO markings.


#3: Color Code Raw Materials

In order to find materials quickly, consider using a different color for each type of material used. This system makes it easy to know where to store materials when they arrive at the warehouse and prevents materials from getting lost – costing you money in the long run.


#4: Color Code Emergency Safety Areas

 Pick one color and use it to code all of your electrical panels and areas that house the safety equipment and fire fighting equipment. In case of emergency, this simple system helps anyone quickly find any equipment they need when minutes matter.


If you need help with ISO markings and safety striping on your industrial warehouse floors, call T.W. Hicks today! Conveniently located just north of Dallas, Texas – we provide flooring solutions to Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and beyond.

safety striping tw hicks dallas texas